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Broaden Awareness.

Build Resilience.

Bridge Hope.

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About Our Community

Founded by QPR Certified Suicide Prevention Educator, Resilience Speaker, and Philanthropist Kathy James, United Resilience Community (URC) is a membership community committed to fostering positive change,

advocating for mental health, and to standing as resilient allies. Through shared experiences, education, and collective action, we strive to make a meaningful impact on a global scale.


Within this community, unity is not just a concept but a dynamic and reimagined experience. Joining our community means more than just membership — it signifies becoming a vital extension of each other's "Entourage".




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Broaden awareness and illuminate the profound impacts trauma can have on youth, fostering understanding and empathy.


Build resilience and minimize negative repercussions during adversity.



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Bridge and foster hope in the face of crises and inspire positive change.



URC recognizes that the issues our communities face are universal and require a collective effort for meaningful impact. That's why we offer a unique platform that emphasizes inclusivity and diversity that empowers individuals and organizations to actively contribute to our collective mission, where together, we:



Benefits & More

All Hands In



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